Case Study - Individual: Dealing with difficult relationships & finding a new role

The Challenge
Paul (European Compliance Manager, Healthcare Company) found Inside Out Image after he saw a presentation that Joanna had given to the Chartered Institute of Securities & Investment on navigating ‘office politics’.
He signed up to receive her regular emails and then decided to work directly with Joanna to address a range of difficult issues he was experiencing at work.
The Solution
Paul initially signed up for seven online sessions with Joanna and then for a further four in order to learn how better to manage his workplace relationships including the importance of setting boundaries in all aspects of life and to prepare his CV and LinkedIn profile to apply for new roles. Joanna also worked with him on his job search strategy and interview practice.
The Result
As a result of working with Joanna, Paul’s work situation improved considerably and he was also able to manage his non-working life to give him the space and time to make the right decisions. He updated his CV and improved his interviewing skills.
I had been facing considerable difficulties and working with Joanna allowed me to see how I could deal with challenging situations in a better way, remaining professional at work and compassionate at home. I’m very glad that I saw that presentation and made the decision to work with Joanna.”
I progressed from not getting interviews at all to securing first and second interviews with increasing frequency. I am delighted to report that I have recently received and accepted a job offer for an improved salary and benefits package. I am very much looking forward to beginning my life afresh. I intend to stay in contact with Joanna for future coaching as and when I need it. I am very happy to recommend Joanna to you and I only regret that I did not meet her 20 years ago.